Shiraz Botox Gel Injection
What does gel injection mean

botox filler injection shiraz .The gels used for injection
have a variety of types, all approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). But the most popular injectable gel is
hyaluronic acid.
The popularity of this gel is due to its properties other than forming and forming.
In fact, it is naturally present in the human body and acts as a lubricant for connective tissues, joints, eyes and skin. As a result, its use improves skin’s moisture and texture (by absorbing water to the underlying skin). Can be.
As a result, it can be said that the injection of hyaluronic acid gel not only has no side effects, but also
improves the appearance of the facial skin gradually, in addition to rapidly improving the appearance of
the skin. One of the earliest symptoms is wrinkles and reduced skin volume. By injecting fillers non-
botox filler injection shiraz
surgically, it can compensate for volume loss and eliminate these lines.
If you want to make your appearance younger and wrinkles disappear, this infusion is for you.
What is the use of gel injections?
Gel injections have many applications in various medical sciences, including:
Increase the volume of facial components by gel injection
Lip relief (lip prosthesis)
Chin enlargement (chin prosthesis)
Highlighting Species (Species Denture)
What Are the Injectable Gels?
By injecting the gel, the lost volume returns to the skin immediately and the folds, such as the smile lines and the folds that start from the lower nose to the sides and continue to the corners of the mouth, disappear.
MD.Rahele Nazari
During the procedure
Botox injections are usually performed in a doctor’s office. Your doctor uses a thin needle to inject tiny amounts of botulinum toxin into your skin or muscles. The number of injections needed depends on many factors, including the extent of the area being treated. Botox injections are usually done in a doctor’s office.

After the procedure
Do not rub or massage the treated areas for 24 hours. This may help prevent the toxin from spreading to a different area. You can return to your normal activities right after the procedure.
Botox injections usually begin working one to three days after treatment. Depending on the problem being treated, the effect may last three months or longer. To maintain the effect, you’ll need regular follow-up injections.
Next to Sattarkhan Bridge, Sadegol Building, 5st Floor, Unit 36